jhonen vazquez
un ente extraterrestre de la raza Irken llega a la tierra, tratando de conquistarla, para este proposito se disfraza de humano y se infiltra en una escuela primaria para estudiar el comportamiento humano y así fraguar sus planes de conquista mundial, como es de esperarse sus planes siempre son frustrados a ultimo momento por un compañero escolar que descubre la verdadera identidad del extraterrestre (aunque nadie le cree cuando se los cuenta). Esta obra maestra( a mi parecer) de las caricaturas se llama "Invader Zim", la cual contiene una critica social muy profunda, pasando por toda la gama de problemas psicologicos que uno pueda imaginar( Freud se hubiera vuelto chango viendo esto). Aunado a esto Jhonen Vazquez tambien es creador de el comic mas enfermo que yo haya visto, "jhonny the homicidal maniac" es tambien una fuerte critica social con un grado de humor negro soberbio. a continuación la descripción de Jhonny a grandes rasgos:
Johnny C. is in his mid 20's. Johnny is a real anti-prep (arn't we all? =0) ,nny loves to kil cheerleaders- he also has to use his victims's blood to keep a special wall in house wet. Johnny says that a monster (hereby refferd to as "THE MOOSE" ) lives behind this wall-so, nny killing preps and buisnessmen is realy a GOOD thing-. afterall-people if he DIDNT KILL THE DAMN PREPS-we would all be dead-thanks to the moose!! Johnny really hates people. Infact I think its pretty safe to say that he hates everything except brainfreezys. Johnny never uses guns to kill people. He will use anything else, even a plastic spork. Johnny thinks that there is something preventing him from death. The one time he did die he went to heaven and they decided he couldn't be there and hell decided there was no place for him there either. Johnny-is possibaly the most disturbed person the hatefull world has living in its worm-infected cancerous skin- o.o bad kindergarden memories here- ppl.
recomiendo lo chequen esta fenomenal, estare subiendo cosas sobre nny y tal vez algunos fragmentos del comic
Johnny C. is in his mid 20's. Johnny is a real anti-prep (arn't we all? =0) ,nny loves to kil cheerleaders- he also has to use his victims's blood to keep a special wall in house wet. Johnny says that a monster (hereby refferd to as "THE MOOSE" ) lives behind this wall-so, nny killing preps and buisnessmen is realy a GOOD thing-. afterall-people if he DIDNT KILL THE DAMN PREPS-we would all be dead-thanks to the moose!! Johnny really hates people. Infact I think its pretty safe to say that he hates everything except brainfreezys. Johnny never uses guns to kill people. He will use anything else, even a plastic spork. Johnny thinks that there is something preventing him from death. The one time he did die he went to heaven and they decided he couldn't be there and hell decided there was no place for him there either. Johnny-is possibaly the most disturbed person the hatefull world has living in its worm-infected cancerous skin- o.o bad kindergarden memories here- ppl.
recomiendo lo chequen esta fenomenal, estare subiendo cosas sobre nny y tal vez algunos fragmentos del comic
At 1:12 du.,
captain_meat said…
oye, no seas cabrón, pon un link aunque sea, no?.....no tiene página este tipo?...
suena muy interesante lo de nny, me gustaría ver más cosas,
un saludo (y gracias por responder el cuestionario)
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