
the black wings of fate are upon us!! the dragon comes to eat our wishes....

szerda, március 29, 2006


Hoy escribo bajo la influencia de las ondas mentales transmitidas por todos esos maestros que han compartido sus experiencias con nosotros. En este momento mi cabeza está repleta de ideas, proyectos y cosas del estilo. La influencia que tienen en mí éste tipo de platicas es muy grave, mis pasiones se agravan, me llega mas fuerte que nunca ese gusto enfermo por Yeats y comienzo a preguntarme “Why should I blame her that she filled my days with misery…”, porque me identifico con el y porque ha sido una influencia en mi modo de escribir, por que gracias a maestros muy importantes para mi, aunque ellos no lo sepan, he tenido un acercamiento a Yeats y a toda su obra y he descubierto a muchos otros autores que me han encantado; tal vez mi forma de escribir aun no sea muy profesional o tan perfecta como yo quisiera pero como todos aquí hago mi lucha y este tipo de platicas son edificantes, todos estos proyectos que giran en mi cabeza y las cosas que siento que tengo en común con los profesores me hacen amar mas mi carrera e intentar superarme…….bueno todo este choro solo sirve para agradecerles a todas las personas que han tenido una influencia en mi vida, y pienso que las personas que dejan huella, buena o mala, son las que han valido la pena en una vida…..

hétfő, március 20, 2006


to abe and mike...

ok, i know that i have been absent for a long time but that sickness (you know what sickness im talking about) numbed me for a while, it is hard to wake up from that kind of dream but it is better if you do it with good music, on friday night we witnessed this band, the scotish monsters gave us a demostration of their talent and creativity, the place was crowded and it was hard to breath, Austin TV started to play and we were still outside, the line was very long but finally we made it, lots of people, known people, i think half of the faculty was there, and half of the ENAP too, Austin said good bye and all the hopes started to raise, suddenly a bald guy with a guitar starts to play, mogwai was on stage dressed with black shirts playing "Mogwai fears Satan", i cannot describe the feeling that it caused, then came another song, and another, "yes im a long way from home", suddenly the unthinkable, the notes of Ithica came from the speakers and it was like a explosion inside my heart, a minute and a half later i was as if i had smoked all the weed in the world, i could see music, but then they keep playing "2 rights make 1 wrong", all the people was enjoying the show, some with eyes closed, others with head banging, air guitars everywhere, then Mogwai played "Helicon 1" and after that the inevitable came, the end of the show, but before they leave they end the show as it has to be ended, playing "My father My king" and leaving us as if we were newborns, our senses sharpened by the sensations except for our ears that were buzzing uncontrollably, it was a good night, it was the night......